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Concepts of Datatypes in C and C++

Lets Leant about Different Data Types.

But firstly,

What are Data types?

Data types are means to identify the type of data and associated operations of handling it.

Now data can be of many types like it can be a character, integer, real, string, etc. Any thing enclosed in single quotes in C/C++ represents a character.

Both C and C++ have two types of Data types.
 1) Fundamental Types.
 2) Derived Datatypes.

Fundamental Data Types

In both C and C++, we have five fundamental types : char, int, float, double and void that represent character, integer, floating point or decimal, double floating points(bigger range) and valueless data respectively.

Further we have

Derived Data Types

Derived data types are constructed from the fundamental data types, 
Examples for Derived Data types: array, functions, structures, classes(only in C++), unions, and enum.

Will be defining all the above mentioned Datatypes later. You may search the following in the search bar on the right side of your screen.

Source: Sumita Arora textbook Class XI

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